HBCD Workgroups and Committees
HBCD Workgroups
The HBCD Consortium has established workgroups to guide the development and refinement of the study design, protocols, informatics and standard operating procedures to facilitate the implementation of the study. Comprised of HBCD investigators, collaborators and staff with domain expertise, each workgroup meets regularly to assess and address the relevant needs of the study in light of scientific and technological advancements.
Behavior and Caregiver-Child Interaction
Renee Edwards (Co-chair) - renee.edwards@northwestern.edu
Beth Planalp (Co-chair) - bplanalp@medicine.wisc.edu
Biospecimens and Omics
Julie Croff (Co-chair) - julie.croff@okstate.edu
Elinor Sullivan (Co-chair) - sullivel@ohsu.edu
Wesley Thompson (Co-chair) - wes.stat@gmail.com
Yajuan Si (Co-chair) - yajuan@umich.edu
Design and Epidemiology
Keri Althoff (Co-chair) - kalthoff@jhu.edu
Engel, Stephanie (Co-chair) Stephanie.Engel@unc.edu
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Nathan Fox (Co-chair) - fox@umd.edu
Koraly Perez-Edgar (Co-chair) - kxp24@psu.edu
Ethics, Legal, and Policy
Jenny Kingsley (Co-chair) - jkingsley@chla.usc.edu
Paul Spicer (Co-chair) - paul.spicer@ou.edu
Geocoding and Linking External Data
Chun Fan (Chair) - chunchiehfan@gmail.com
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Chris Smyser (HDCC) - smyserc@neuro.wustl.edu
Anders Dale (Co-chair) - andersmdale@gmail.com
Damien Fair (Co-chair) - faird@umn.edu
Neurocognition and Language
Julie Kable (Co-chair) - jkabl01@emory.edu
Alexi Potter (Co-chair) - Alexandra.Potter@uvm.edu
Novel Technologies and Wearables
Bill Fifer (Co-chair) - wpf1@columbia.edu and wpf1@cumc.columbia.edu
Beth Smith (Co-chair) - bsmith@chla.usc.edu
Physical Health
Leigh-Anne Cioffredi (Co-chair) - leigh-anne.cioffredi@uvm.edu
Sara B. DeMauro (Co-chair) - demauro@chop.edu
Pregnancy and Exposure, including Substance Use
Gretchen Bandoli – (Co-Chair) - gbandoli@health.ucsd.edu
Claire Coles (Co-chair) - ccoles@emory.edu
Lynne Smith (Co-chair) - Smith@lundquist.org
Recruitment, Retention, and Community Engagement
Brenda Jones Harden (Co-chair) - bjharden@umd.edu
Lorraine McKelvey (Co-chair) - mckelveylorraine@uams.edu
Rural and Sovereign Communities
Brittany Howell (Co-chair) - brhowell@vtc.vt.edu
Aleksandra Zgierska (Co-chair) - azgierska@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
Social and Environmental Determinants
Ashley Acheson (Co-chair) - awacheson@uams.edu
Lea G. Yerby (Co-chair) - yerby002@ua.edu
Study Navigators
Florence Hilliard (Co-chair) - fhilliar@wisc.edu
Holly Horan (Co-chair) - hhoran@uabmc.edu
Transitions in Care
Julie Poehlmann-Tynan (Co-Chair) - julie.poehlmanntynan@wisc.edu
Rebecca Shlafer (Co-Chair) - shlaf002@umn.edu
HBCD Committees
The HBCD Consortium Committees are structured to have engagement in areas that require integration across the consortium.
Communications, Engagement, & Dissemination
Katia Howlett (Co-Chair) - katia.delrahim-howlett@nih.gov
Kathy Cole (Co-chair) - Katherine.cole@nih.gov
Spanish Language
Florencia Anunziata (Co-chair) - fanunziata@health.ucsd.edu
Julia Chavez (Co-chair) - jchavez8@jhu.edu
Valeria Rodriguez (Co-chair) - valerod@okstate.edu