Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
Here at Cincinnati Children’s, we have participated in many research studies including moms and babies. Our favorite studies to do are the ones where we get to see babies grow and thrive over many years. Our HBCD team is led by Dr. Stephanie Merhar, a neonatologist and neonatal follow-up expert, and Dr. Jen Vannest, a speech-language pathologist and MRI expert. We work closely with our community outreach programs and partner delivery hospitals and hope to recruit a group of mothers and children who reflect the Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky community. Our study visits take place in Cincinnati Children's newest "T" research building, which includes clinic rooms, MRI scanners, EEG machines, and places for families to relax, all in one convenient location. We are excited to interact with our participants and watch families grow!


Stephanie Merhar, MD, MS
Principal Investigator

Jennifer Vannest, PhD
Principal Investigator

Ernie Pedapati, MD

Traci Beiersdorfer, BSN
Lead Coordinator

Lisa DeStefano, PhD
Research Fellow

Courtney Gibson
Research Coordinator

Amy Graber-Pels
Research Nurse

Cathy Grisby
Research Nurse

Devan Hayes
Research Coordinator

Megan Hess, BSN
Research Nurse

Elizabeth Holden, MSW
Social Worker

Lisa Jacobs
Research Coordinator

Carla King
Research Nurse

Kristin Kirker
Research Coordinator

Jack Yanchen Liu
Research Coordinator

Mary Kate Manhard, PhD

Lisa Radcliff, BSN
Research Nurse

Cynthia Reid
Research Nurse

Courtney Robinson
Research Coordinator

Laticia Roden
Study Navigator

David Russell, JD
Director of Research Operations

Meredith Smith, PhD

Julie Starnes, MA
Research Coordinator

Jean Adelaide Tkach, PhD

Lisa Tully
Regulatory Specialist

Molly Winer
Research Coordinator